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20 Types of Test for Hardened Concrete


Updated: Jan 25, 2024

Here are 20 tests that can be performed on hardened concrete to assess its properties and quality:


1. Compressive Strength Test: Determines the maximum compressive stress that concrete can sustain.

2. Flexural Strength Test: Measures the ability of concrete to resist bending stresses.

3. Splitting Tensile Strength Test: Evaluates the tensile strength of concrete by applying a tensile force to a cylindrical specimen.

4. Shear Strength Test: Assesses the resistance of concrete to shear forces.

5. Modulus of Elasticity Test: Determines the elastic modulus of concrete, which is important for structural analysis and design.

6. Poisson's Ratio Test: Measures the ratio of lateral strain to axial strain in concrete.

7. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test: Measures the propagation of ultrasonic pulses through concrete to assess its quality and homogeneity.

8. Rebound Hammer Test: Assesses the surface hardness and strength of concrete by using a rebound hammer.

9. Core Strength Test: Involves extracting core samples from hardened concrete for compressive strength testing.

10. Permeability Test: Evaluates the permeability of concrete to liquids and gases.

11. Rapid Chloride Permeability Test: Measures the resistance of concrete to chloride ion penetration in a relatively short time period.

12. Carbonation Depth Test: Determines the depth of carbonation in concrete, which can affect its durability and corrosion resistance.

13. Water Absorption Test: Assesses the ability of concrete to absorb water, which can impact its durability and resistance to freeze-thaw cycles.

14. Abrasion Resistance Test: Evaluates the resistance of concrete to abrasion and wear.

15. Creep Test: Measures the time-dependent deformation of concrete under sustained load.

16. Shrinkage Test: Assesses the drying shrinkage of concrete, which can lead to cracking.

17. Freeze-Thaw Resistance Test: Evaluates the resistance of concrete to damage caused by repeated freezing and thawing.

18. Alkali-Silica Reactivity Test: Determines the potential for deleterious alkali-silica reaction in concrete aggregates.

19. Resistance to Sulfate Attack Test: Assesses the durability of concrete in sulfate-rich environments.

20. Petrographic Examination: Involves microscopic analysis of concrete to assess the characteristics of its components and identify potential issues, such as alkali-silica reaction or excessive air voids.

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