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Method Statement for Concreting Works

 1. Objective:

The objective of this method statement is to provide a systematic approach to carrying out concrete placement activities in compliance with project specifications, safety standards, and environmental requirements.

2. Scope:

This method statement covers all activities related to concrete placement, including preparation, mixing, transportation, placement, finishing, and curing.

3. Responsibilities:

  • The Project manager is responsible for implementing this method statement.

  • The Site Engineer is responsible for overseeing the concrete works.

  • The Quality Engineer is responsible for inspection and collecting sample specimens for testing as per the Inspection and Test Plan.

  • The Concrete Supplier is responsible for providing concrete of the specified mix design and quality.

  • The Concrete Pump Operator is responsible for concrete placement using the pump.

  • Safety Officer is responsible for assessing and monitoring of safety procedures at all stages of concreting works.

  • All workers involved are responsible for adhering to safety procedures and wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

4. Reference

Project Quality Plan

HSE Plan

Concrete Mix Design Approval

Approved Shop drawings

5. Procedure

5.1 Pre-Work Preparations:

  • Verify that the formwork and reinforcement are in accordance with the approved drawings.

  • Ensure proper access for concrete delivery trucks and concrete pumps.

  • Check weather conditions to ensure they comply with concrete placement requirements.

  • Conduct a toolbox talk to brief workers on the day's activities, potential hazards, and safety measures.

5.2 Formworks installation

  • Prepare the formwork materials, including lumber, plywood, steel, or prefabricated form panels, according to the dimensions and specifications outlined in the formwork design.

  • Cut, shape, and assemble the formwork components to the required sizes and configurations.

  • Erect the formwork on the construction site, ensuring that it is set up accurately and securely to contain the concrete during pouring and curing.

  • Align and brace the formwork to prevent movement or distortion during concrete placement.

  • Install form ties, spreader bars, walers, and other necessary accessories to hold the formwork together and withstand the pressure exerted by the fresh concrete.

  • Before concrete placement, the formwork system should be inspected to ensure that it meets the required standards, is properly aligned, and is free from defects that could affect the quality of the finished concrete.

5.3 Rebar Installation

  • Procure the necessary rebar materials in compliance with the project specifications, including the required bar sizes, grades, and shapes.

  • Store and handle the rebar materials properly to prevent damage and contamination.

  • Cut and bend the rebar to the required dimensions and shapes according to the structural drawings and bending schedules.

  • Use rebar cutting and bending equipment to achieve accurate shapes and to ensure that the rebar can be installed as per the design requirements.

  • Place the cut and bent rebar into the formwork or within the existing structure, following the specified layout and spacing as per the structural drawings.

  • Securely tie the rebar intersections using tie wire or rebar tying tools to maintain the proper positioning and spacing.

  • Where necessary, create lap splices by overlapping rebar according to the specified lap lengths and secure them with appropriate ties or mechanical couplers.

  • Install any mechanical splicing devices or couplers as per the project's requirements and industry standards.

  • Use chair supports, rebar spacers, or other approved devices to maintain the proper positioning and cover of the rebar within the forms or on the ground.

  • Ensure that the rebar is adequately supported and positioned to facilitate concrete placement and consolidation.

  • Conduct inspections to verify that the rebar has been installed in accordance with the structural drawings, specifications, and industry standards.

  • Check for proper alignment, clearances, and tie spacing, and address any discrepancies or issues identified during the inspection.


5.4 Concrete Mixing, Delivery and Placement:

  • Use a concrete batching plant, mixer truck, or other suitable equipment to batch and mix the concrete ingredients according to the approved mix design.

  • Ensure thorough mixing to achieve uniform consistency and proper distribution of materials.

  • Transport the freshly mixed concrete to the placement area using concrete mixer trucks, pumps, or other appropriate means.

  • Place the concrete into the forms or onto the prepared subgrade, taking care to avoid segregation and achieve proper consolidation.

  • Compact the concrete using vibrators or other mechanical means to remove air voids, ensure proper consolidation, and achieve the desired density.

  • Level and smooth the surface of the concrete using screeds, straightedges, and trowels to achieve the specified elevation, slope, and finish.


5.5. Finishing and Curing:

  • Apply any required special finishing techniques, such as brooming, stamping, or exposing aggregates, based on the project's requirements.

  • Protect the freshly placed and finished concrete from premature drying by applying curing compounds, covering with wet burlap or plastic sheeting, or implementing other approved curing methods.

  • Ensure that the concrete remains moist and undergoes proper hydration for an adequate period to achieve desired strength and durability.

5.6 Protection and Maintenance

  • Protect the freshly placed and finished concrete from excessive loading, traffic, and environmental factors that could compromise its integrity during the initial curing period.

5.7 Jointing and Sawing

  • Create control joints or saw cut joints in the concrete to control cracking and accommodate movement due to temperature changes and drying shrinkage.


6. Jointing and Sawing:

  • Create control joints or saw cut joints in the concrete to control cracking and accommodate movement due to temperature changes and drying shrinkage.


7. Quality Control and Inspection:

  • Conduct regular inspections to ensure that all works comply with project specifications.

  • Perform slump tests, temperature checks, and cube tests as per the testing plan.


8. Safety Measures:

  • Ensure all personnel involved wear appropriate PPE, including safety helmets, gloves, and high-visibility clothing.

  • Provide guardrails and barriers to prevent falls from heights.

  • Implement traffic management measures to control the movement of vehicles around the concreting area.

  • Emergency procedures and contact details should be readily available.


9. Environmental Considerations:

  • Implement measures to control concrete washout and prevent environmental contamination.

  • Dispose of waste materials in accordance with environmental regulations.


10. Attachments

10.1 Inspection and Test Plan

10.2 Checklist – Pre-Pouring Inspection Checklist and Post Pouring Inspection Checklist

10.3 HSE Risk Assessment

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